*Prices include taxes unless stated otherwise.

Price Plan Details


Rakuten SAIKYO plan

When plan fee with SAIKYO FAMILY Program applied: Enjoy a 100 yen discount (excl. tax) and pay 3,168 yen/mo. (incl. tax) for unlimited data, or 2,068 yen/mo. (incl. tax) for 3GB to more than 20GB, or 968 yen (incl. tax) for up to 3GB.
  • *Call charges and additional fees are not included.
  • *1 Speed may be restricted due to fair service provision during peak times and other conditions.
  • *Conditions apply for SAIKYO FAMILY Program.

Data Charges

Coverage Domestic International (selected countries and regions)
High-speed data allowance *2 Unlimited *1

Limitless 5G connectivity in 5G areas with compatible devices *3


Speeds capped at 128kbps after limit is reached *4

High-speed data allowance※2


Limitless 5G connectivity in 5G areas with compatible devices*3
International (selected countries and regions)


Speeds capped at 128kbps after limit is reached *4
  • *1 Speed may be restricted due to fair service provision during peak times and other conditions.
  • *2 Unused data will not roll over to the next month.
  • *3 5G availability is limited to certain areas and is progressively expanding. Accessing 5G requires compatible devices. Click here for details .
  • *4 Exceeding the data limit while roaming overseas will result in a speed restriction of up to 128 kbps in those areas.

Call Charges


Using Rakuten Link App Using Standard Android Phone App
Outgoing Call Charges Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link Free -
From Japan to Japanese Numbers ¥20 (¥22 tax incl.)/30 sec.
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers *5 Country/Region Rates *6
From Japan to International Numbers Country/Region Rates Country/Region Rates
International to International Numbers *5 Country/Region Rates *6
Incoming Call Charges In Japan Free Free
Overseas *5 Country/Region Rates *6

Using Rakuten Link App

Outgoing Call Charges
Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link
From Japan to Japanese Numbers From Overseas to Japanese Numbers *5
From Japan to International Numbers International to International Numbers *5
Country/Region Rates
Incoming Call Charges
In Japan Overseas *5

Using Standard Android Phone App

Outgoing Call Charges
From Japan to Japanese Numbers
¥20 (¥22 tax incl.)/30 sec.
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers
Country/Region Rates *6
From Japan to International Numbers
Country/Region Rates
International to International Numbers
Country/Region Rates *6
Incoming Call Charges
In Japan
Country/Region Rates *6
  • *Calls to certain numbers, including other carriers’ connection services (starting with 0570) and specific numbers (such as 188), are not included in the free call offer.
  • *5 With the Rakuten Link app, calls can only be made and received from countries and regions outside Japan. For calls to other areas, a Wi-Fi connection is required.
  • *6 When using the standard Android phone app, both incoming and outgoing calls are restricted to specific countries and regions outside Japan.


Using Rakuten Link App Using Standard iOS Phone App
Outgoing Call Charges Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link Free -
From Japan to Japanese Numbers ¥20 (¥22 tax incl.)/30 sec.
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers *5 Country/Region Rates *7
From Japan to International Numbers Country/Region Rates Country/Region Rates
International to International Numbers *5 Country/Region Rates *7
Incoming Call Charges In Japan Calls can only be received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app. *8 Free
Overseas Country/Region Rates *7

Using Rakuten Link App

Outgoing Call Charges
Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link
From Japan to Japanese Numbers From Overseas to Japanese Numbers *5
From Japan to International Numbers International to International Numbers *5
Country/Region Rates
Incoming Call Charges
In Japan Overseas
Calls can only be received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app.*8

Using Standard iOS Phone App

Outgoing Call Charges
From Japan to Japanese Numbers
¥20 (¥22 tax incl.)/30 sec.
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers
Country/Region Rates*7
From Japan to International Numbers
Country/Region Rates
From Japan to International Numbers
Country/Region Rates*7
Incoming Call Charges
In Japan
Country/Region Rates*7
  • *Calls to certain numbers, including other carriers’ connection services (starting with 0570) and specific numbers (such as 188), are not included in the free call offer.
  • *5 With the Rakuten Link app, calls can only be made and received from countries and regions outside Japan. For calls to other areas, a Wi-Fi connection is required.
  • *7 When using the standard iOS phone app, both incoming and outgoing calls are restricted to specific countries and regions outside Japan.
  • *8 The Rakuten Link app does not support call reception. Please use the standard iOS phone app for receiving calls.

Texting and SMS Charges


Using Rakuten Link App Using Standard Android Phone App
SMS Sending Charges Rakuten Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link Free -
From Japan to Japanese Numbers 1-70 chars: ¥3 (¥3.3 tax incl.)
71-134 chars: ¥6 (¥6.6 tax incl.)
135-201chars: ¥9 (¥9.9 tax incl.)
202-268 chars: ¥12 (¥13.2 tax incl.)
269-335 chars: ¥15 (¥16.5 tax incl.)
336-402 chars: ¥18 (¥19.8 tax incl.)
403-469 chars: ¥21 (¥23.1 tax incl.)
470-536 chars: ¥24 (¥26.4 tax incl.)
537-603 chars: ¥27 (¥29.7 tax incl.)
604-670 chars: ¥30 (¥33 tax incl.)
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers *9 1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
From Japan to International Numbers
  • Eligible Countries and RegionsFree
  • Other Regions (No preference for full-width or half-width characters.)
    1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
    71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
    135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
    202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
    269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
    336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
    403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
    470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
    537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
    604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
International to International Numbers *9 1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
SMS Receiving Charges In Japan Free Free
Overseas*9 Free*10

Using Rakuten Link App

SMS Sending Charges
Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link
From Japan to Japanese Numbers From Overseas to Japanese Numbers*9
From Japan to International Numbers International to International Numbers*9
  • Eligible Countries and RegionsFree
  • Other Regions (No preference for full-width or half-width characters.)
    1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
    71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
    135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
    202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
    269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
    336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
    403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
    470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
    537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
    604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
SMS Receiving Charges
In Japan Overseas*9

Using Standard Android Phone App

SMS Sending Charges
From Japan to Japanese Numbers
1-70 chars: ¥3 (¥3.3 tax incl.)
71-134 chars: ¥6 (¥6.6 tax incl.)
135-201chars: ¥9 (¥9.9 tax incl.)
202-268 chars: ¥12 (¥13.2 tax incl.)
269-335 chars: ¥15 (¥16.5 tax incl.)
336-402 chars: ¥18 (¥19.8 tax incl.)
403-469 chars: ¥21 (¥23.1 tax incl.)
470-536 chars: ¥24 (¥26.4 tax incl.)
537-603 chars: ¥27 (¥29.7 tax incl.)
604-670 chars: ¥30 (¥33 tax incl.)
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
From Japan to International Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
International to International Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
SMS Receiving Charges
In Japan
  • *9 Using Rakuten Link app, sending and receiving messages is only possible in eligible countries and regions outside Japan.
  • *10 With the standard Android Messaging app, receiving messages is restricted to eligible countries and regions outside Japan.
  • *For price details, click here for domestic use and here for international use.


Using Rakuten Link App Using Standard iOS Phone App
SMS Sending Charges Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link Free -
From Japan to Japanese Numbers Messages can only be sent or received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app. 1-70 chars: ¥3 (¥3.3 tax incl.)
71-134 chars: ¥6 (¥6.6 tax incl.)
135-201chars: ¥9 (¥9.9 tax incl.)
202-268 chars: ¥12 (¥13.2 tax incl.)
269-335 chars: ¥15 (¥16.5 tax incl.)
336-402 chars: ¥18 (¥19.8 tax incl.)
403-469 chars: ¥21 (¥23.1 tax incl.)
470-536 chars: ¥24 (¥26.4 tax incl.)
537-603 chars: ¥27 (¥29.7 tax incl.)
604-670 chars: ¥30 (¥33 tax incl.)
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers*9 1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
From Japan to International Numbers 1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
International to International Numbers 1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
SMS Receiving Charges In Japan Free
Overseas Free*11

Using Rakuten Link App

SMS Sending Charges
Rakuten Link to Rakuten Link
From Japan to Japanese Numbers From Overseas to Japanese Numbers
Messages can only be sent or received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app.
From Japan to International Numbers International to International Numbers
Messages can only be sent or received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app.
SMS Receiving Charges
In Japan Overseas
Messages can only be sent or received through the standard iOS phone app, not with the Rakuten Link app.

Using Standard iOS Messaging App

SMS Sending Charges
From Japan to Japanese Numbers
1-70 chars: ¥3 (¥3.3 tax incl.)
71-134 chars: ¥6 (¥6.6 tax incl.)
135-201chars: ¥9 (¥9.9 tax incl.)
202-268 chars: ¥12 (¥13.2 tax incl.)
269-335 chars: ¥15 (¥16.5 tax incl.)
336-402 chars: ¥18 (¥19.8 tax incl.)
403-469 chars: ¥21 (¥23.1 tax incl.)
470-536 chars: ¥24 (¥26.4 tax incl.)
537-603 chars: ¥27 (¥29.7 tax incl.)
604-670 chars: ¥30 (¥33 tax incl.)
From Overseas to Japanese Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
From Japan to International Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
International to International Numbers
1-70 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 1 mail)
71-134 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 2 mails)
135-201chars: Country/Region Rates (for 3 mails)
202-268 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 4 mails)
269-335 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 5 mails)
336-402 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 6 mails)
403-469 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 7 mails)
470-536 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 8 mails)
537-603 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 9 mails)
604-670 chars: Country/Region Rates (for 10 mails)
SMS Receiving Charges
In Japan
  • *11 With the standard Android Messaging app, receiving messages is restricted to eligible countries and regions outside Japan.
  • *For price details, click here for domestic use and here for international use.